Saturday, February 8, 2025



HOMECOMING WEEK!! Bring your pennies and other coins to the classroom! :)  Practice the theme verse! And let's have a fun week! See the pictures below for details. Monday is "Dress up as your favorite holiday." 😆

We are on Spelling List 20 this week. There will be the normal trial test on Thursday and the test on Friday. 

Monday and Thursday there will be Spelling homework. 

I will post homework daily, but it will mostly consist of reading and finishing any WV notebook pages that may not have been completed in class. 

There is a Bible Verse quiz on Psalm 91:5 and Hebrews 11:16 and a WV history quiz on Friday. 

There will be a Science quiz on Thursday. 

WV Notebook: Complete any pages from 3-21 that are incomplete. Collect pictures of historical people, landmarks, and early settlements. Create a timeline of history. 

Complete pages 33-49 in WV Notebook. 


Friday, January 31, 2025

 Weekend homework: 

Math pages 153-154. 

Collect West Virginia scenery pictures. If you cannot find any, please do not worry, I have a lot of pictures the class an use. We also need a 4x6 picture of your child. 

Next week:

Monday- Math Test 9

There will be reading homework tonight. 

Copy Spelling list 19 twice. 

Tuesday- HW  Math-P. 343 Lesson 81 only. 

Finish History notebook page if needed. 

Wednesday- Language Test 9

Thursday- Copy missed spelling words 3 times. 

                  Finish History assignment if needed. 

                  Math page 166 only

Friday- Bible Verse Quiz- Ps. 91:3-4

            History quiz-bordering states and state symbols

            Science Quiz 14

            HW Find 5 facts about a West Virginia Historical person. 



Our West Virginia History Notebook is a fun and exciting unit! The kiddos love being creative and learning about our wild, wonderful state! 

*The students need a 1 inch 3-ring binder with a slot on the front cover for their cover sheets, one pack of plastic binder page sleeves,  and a folder designated for ONLY WV HISTORY material. 

*Page numbers listed below that we complete are ODD ONLY, so do not be overwhelmed by the amount. Also, several require the class to glue pictures or just fill in a few blanks. Most of them will be done at school. 

*Each Friday there will be a quiz. 

*A checklist will be stapled into their folders so they can keep track of what they have completed. 

2/3-2/7- Collect pictures of scenery around West Virginia. Memorize state symbols and bordering states.

Complete pages 3-21. 

2/10-2/14 Collect pictures of historical people, landmarks, and early settlements. Create a timeline of history. 

Complete pages 33-49

2/17-21 This week we will study government, industry, and agriculture. 

Complete pages 61-71 (We skip pages 69 and 73)

2/24-2/28 Collect pictures of major cities, Educational leaders, and Educational Institutions. 

Complete pages 75-87. 

3/3-3/7 Pages 89-105 are "Additional Information". They need to pick 3 pages from this section. 

There are also 7 optional reports on pages 109-123. They need to pick 1 of those to complete. 

3/10-3/12 Completed projects are due NO LATER than Wednesday the 12th. This is the last day of the grading period. 

Each section has a title page worth 1 point. There are 8 of them for a total of 8 points. 

Each content page is worth 2 points. There are 36 of them for a total of 72 points. 

Neatness and order is worth 10 points. 

Accuracy of facts is worth 10 points. 

That gives us a total of 100 points. :)

Friday, January 24, 2025

 January 27-31 

Weekend homework is a Language quiz that will be graded as a homework grade, not a quiz grade. 

Also, study the study guide for Science quiz on Monday and do 30 minutes of IXL. 

Monday-Science Quiz 10/11 They have a study guide for this. 

                Language Test

Homework- Math Pages 341-342 L 78 ONLY. 

                    Spelling- Copy list 18 twice. Remember the vocabulary. 

Tuesday-Math Test and History Quiz 12, I will send home a study guide

Homework- Language P. 84-We will begin this in class. 

                    Study for History Test 7 and Science Quiz 12. I will send study guides for these. 

Wednesday- History Test 7 and Science Quiz 12

Thursday- Trial Spelling Test and Science Test 6

Homework- Copy missed spelling words 3 times. 

Friday Spelling Test

Homework-Collect pictures of West Virginia scenery and symbols. Also, they need a 4x6 picture of themselves by the end of next week.  

Monday, January 20, 2025

There is no school, Tuesday January 21.  Please complete the following assignments and bring them in the next day we are in school. 

1. Copy Spelling List 17. 

2. Write 5 sentences using your spelling words. ****I will be grading this for a Language grade. You must begin sentences with a capital letter and end with punctuation. 

3. Go back to the 5 sentences and underline your subjects once and your verbs twice. *****This will be part of the language grade, so take your time! 

4. Open the link and complete page 17 ONLY. Write your answers on paper.

5. Open the link and complete pages 3 and 5 ONLY. Write your answers on paper.

6. Open the link and read the story and answer the questions. You will see the story twice, they give color and black and white options in case we want to print. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

 Friday, January, 17, 2025

*No School Monday, January 20, 2025.

*Begin collection materials for Science diorama.  


Math hw P. 140 Section 4 only
Language hw P. 234 L. 83 only 
History hw Begin studying for Test 7. 


Language Quiz 15  
History Quiz 12

Thursday- Trial Spelling Test    Science Quiz 11
Math hw P. 343 L. 81
Copy missed Spelling Words 3 times.  

Friday-History Test 7 over chapters 7-12. 

Science hw Finish study guide. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 Tuesday's Homework:

History- Do page 280 and study for the quiz. They were given a study guide today.
Science- Read pp 280-285.


  2/10-2/14  HOMECOMING WEEK!! Bring your pennies and other coins to the classroom! :)  Practice the theme verse! And let's have a fun w...