Dec. 16-20
Great job at the play and on the bird reports!
If you would like to participate in the gingerbread house building contest, they are due Monday.
Please remember to send a stamp, envelope, and the address of someone we can send a note to on Monday.
We will have a class sock and snack exchange at our party on Thursday, so bring those for a fun exchange.
Here is a list of snacks the kids are always asking for. :)
Welch's Gummies
Rice Crispy Treats
Chocolate covered Pretzels
Hot Chocolate
Monday Homework: Math L. 71
Copy Spelling list 15 twice
Read Song of the Brook Chapter 12.
Tuesday- Math Test and Language Test
Homework: There will be some History and Science homework tonight and study guides.
Wednesday. History and Science Quizzes.
Thursday Homework: Complete Language pages 61-62.
Study for History and Science Tests.
Copy missed Spelling words 3 times each.
Friday-History, Spelling, and Science Tests