Friday, September 6, 2024


Happy Friday! 

Remember weekend homework in Language, p. 208 L. 13.  The practice Science test will be on Tuesday, remember, it's not graded.  

This Week's Info.: 


Copy Spelling List 4 twice, vocabulary once.  

History- In the Geography Skills book, do page 9 FRONT SIDE ONLY

Science- Study chapter 1 through chapter 2 section 5.  


Math- Lesson 15 page 321

There will be a Language test today.  

Wednesday  Join us for chapel. 

Thursday- Don't forget, there is always a trial spelling test on Thursdays.  


Copy missed spelling words 3 times. STUDY for test. 

History- Do p. 53 A-C and study for Quiz 1. The History quiz is over Chapter 2 and p. 521.


Math- P. 322 L. 18

Language-P. 209 L. 17

There is a Spelling Test and a History Quiz today.  The History quiz is over Chapter 2 and p. 521. 

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The following links will take you to the Quizlet study guides for the upcoming History and Science tests.  I strongly recommend using these ...