Our first full week was a success! Our first PRACTICE Spelling tests were great! The class seemed to respond well to the format of the test which is slightly different than what they may have been used to seeing.
Upcoming things to remember for August 29-September 2
Pictures are Friday, September 2nd.
There will be a Math test on Monday, a Language quiz on Wednesday, and a Spelling trial on Thursday with the actual test on Friday. Students scoring a 100% on the trial will not take the test on Friday.
Here is our homework schedule for next week. Please keep in mind that I may add to this or take away from it as needed and the students are required to copy it down each day.
Monday: Language page 206
Copy Spelling list once, definitions once.
Tuesday: Math Page 318 Lesson 5 homework section only
Copy Spelling list twice, definitions once.
Thursday: Copy missed spelling words 5 times each. Copy missed vocabulary words with
definitions once. Study for test.
Study Psalm 119:103-105 by reciting it at least 2 times. Try without looking.
Friday: Math Page 319 Lesson 10
Language page 207.