Monday, October 31, 2022

 Book Report

Today I sent home Song of the Brook  for our first book report book! 

I would like the students to read one chapter each weeknight evening, except Wednesdays, and one chapter over the weekend.  The book has 9 chapters, so they can complete the book by Monday, November 14.  This gives them 2 full weeks to complete the book, so if you are busy one night, that leaves a few extra days to pick up the chapter they may have missed.  

**We may not write it on their homework list each night, but they are expected to finish by the 14th.**

No special material is needed, and we will complete the written book report here at school.  Only the reading needs to be done at home.  


Mrs. Trescott 


Friday, October 28, 2022

 Happy Friday!  Calendar fundraiser is due Monday!  :)  

Weekend homework update:  

There is no science homework. 

How to study for Monday's History Test

Use pages 143-145 in the text book.  We have completed each section, and the test questions are directly from those pages.  The test has no maps and is only over chapter 6.  

Any written work done History and Science serves as study material.  

Oct. 31-Nov. 4th 

Friday, November 4th we will not have school.  I will have an IXL assignment and some reading for them to do.  Please check out between now and then to be familiar with it if you have not already done so.  In your child's take-home folder, I have stapled their sign-in info.  

Homework and Tests/Quizzes

Monday Math P. 333 L. 51

                Language P. 222 L. 51

                Copy Spelling list twice( We are not doing list 11, I will give them their list Monday.)

            HISTORY TEST

Tuesday  History P. 173 C

                Science Read pp 166-171


Wednesday Spelling Trial Test 

Thursday  Science-Do pp 249-250 review questions

*******IXL  Please check out 

            We use this in class so the students know how to log in and complete my "recommendations". 

            Their sign-in info is stapled into their take-home folders.  Please be sure you are familiar with                 this as it will be homework in the near future.  Thanks! 


Friday, October 21, 2022

 Updated:  Homework Schedule for the week added.  

October 24-28

The Calendar Fundraiser form was sent home this week.  Please check it out!  This is an easy fundraiser, and the students can earn rewards! 

Remember, make-up picture day is Tuesday.  

Monday: HW: Copy Spelling list 10 two times 

                         Science P. 168 A 

Tuesday: History Quiz

HW:  Math p. 331 L. 46      

                            History P. 142 A 


Wednesday:  Math Test 

Thursday: Trial Spelling Test and Language Quiz--Be able to recognize proper nouns and capitalize them.  

HW: Language P. 220 L. 47    

                            Spelling Copy missed words 3 times each. 

                            History Pp 173-174  D and F  

Friday:    Science Quiz over sections 4.1-4.4 and the diagram on p. 143 

               History Quiz over maps on pages 501, 519, and 539

HW: Math P. 331 L. 48

        History Study chapter 6 for test on Monday.  Use the CCU sections starting on p. 143

`        Science Do p 165 4.7 

I will post the rest of the week's homework later.  (Homework added 10/24)

Thanks!  Have a great weekend! 

Friday, October 14, 2022

Congratulations to our Literature Fair students advancing to the County Fair!  Everyone did a great job! 

October 17th-21st

We are finished with the book "Once Upon a Story".  I had the class take it home over the weekend to read their favorite story or any stories they did not finish in class.  We are working for smooth and accurate reading with good expression.  Our boys and girls are growing leaps and bounds in their reading skills! 

Last Day of this first 9-weeks is Oct. 24th 

Homework, Test, and Quiz Schedule


Math p. 327 l. 35 

Spelling Copy list 8 twice.  

Science  Complete study guide and study. (Most should be completed in class.)

Tuesday Math Quiz (Practice long division and multiplication facts)  Science Quiz (3.4-3.7).  

Language P. 216 L. 40 (This may change depending on what the class needs to practice.)

Science Study. 

History P. 120-121 Do A and B

Wednesday History Quiz (Ch. 5 and pp 500-501) 

Thursday  Language Test(Subject/Verb agreement, Sentence types, Comma Rules) 

                  Spelling Trial Test

Math P. 329 L. 40

Spelling Copy missed words 3 times. 

History Complete study guide. 

Friday Spelling Test  and Science Test (Ch. 3)

Language p. 218 L. 43

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Happy Wednesday! 

History Test is over chapters 3 and 4. Maps will be for bonus points this time.  

*****Spelling trial will be Friday.  The actual test will be Monday. ***

Science Quiz will be over 3.1-3.3 on Friday.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2022



Set up is from 3-4 today. 

Last chance to set up is 7:15-8:00 Wednesday morning.  We took some time today to discus the checklist that I posted Friday.  I gave some class time today for them to work or ask me questions.  

I can't wait to see their projects!  I know they have been working hard! 

Friday, October 7, 2022

 Literature Fair Guidelines

Over the weekend, October 7-10, I would like the class to study over their History and Science Study Guides.  THEY ARE NOT COMPLETE.  WE WILL COMPLETE THEM TUESDAY.  You can ask them questions over it, or even just let them read over it a few times.  It's a long weekend, I don't want them to forget all they learned this week.  Thanks! 

Thank you for all the hard work making Grandparent's Day a success!!!

Week of October 11-14

***No School Monday the 10th. ***

HOMEWORK-     If homework is taking your child more than 40 minutes, please stop and send me a note so we can adjust.  Math should take around 15 minutes.  If they are struggling, please let me know. If it is taking longer than that, I want to help them.  :)  

Tuesday-          Copy Spelling List once.  

                        Do Math p. 326 L. 30. 

                        Study for History Quiz for about 10 minutes.  

Thursday-        Copy missed Spelling words 3 times. 

                        Math p. 327 L. 35

                        Study for History Test and Science Quiz

Friday            Finish Science Study Guide and study 

Tests and Quizzes 

Tuesday- Language Test

Wednesday-History Quiz

Thursday-History Test and Math Quiz

Friday-Spelling Test and Science Quiz

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Doors open at 10:00 tomorrow for Grandparent's Day.  Students are to be picked up directly after the program in the classroom where they need to be signed out.  

And, remember, no school Monday.  :)

  Happy Friday!  Remember weekend homework in Language, p. 208 L. 13.  The practice Science test will be on Tuesday, remember, it's not ...