Weekend Homework is Math Pp 353-354 L. 115 and History Notebook EXTRA CREDIT
Feb. 27-Mar. 3
I will be printing this blog for them to keep in their take-home folders. We will adjust it as needed throughout the week.
HW- Copy Spelling List 21 once
Math P. 355 L 118
Math Quiz over adding decimals and changing fractions to decimals. EXAMPLE: 8/1000= .008
HW- Language P. 247 L. 117
Math Test---Decimals, reducing fractions, metric system, and counting back change. Page 354, in the homework section of their book is a great example of what they will see on the test. We will get it started in class, and you can use that to help them be prepared.
Wednesday Language Quiz-Comparing Adjectives and proper adjectives
HW- Math P. 356 L. 121
Write missed Spelling Words 3 times each
HW- Language P. 248
Begin Reading biography book. I will supply a biography book for each student.