Friday, August 30, 2024


There is no weekend homework, but it is a smart idea to begin reading a chapter book for the literature fair.  I will be sending a Literature Guidelines paper home on Monday.  The fair project will be a Language and a Reading grade.  I need to approve their books and send a list to Mrs. Cole, so please be sure to have them bring them to school.  They can pick one here in Library class on Tuesday if they have not already.  

This week's information: 

Monday   NO SCHOOL


Homework:  Math P. 319 L. 8 only 

                    Spelling Copy List 3 twice, vocabulary once. 


There will be a practice History Quiz today over our world map and up to page 33 in our book. It is not a recorded grade.  

Thursday  Trial Spelling Test

Homework:  Math P. 320 L. 11 only 

                    Spelling Copy missed words from Trial test 3 times each and study.  

                    History Study for the practice test.  


Homework:  Language P. 208 L. 13

                    Science Study for practice Science Test which is on Monday the 9th.  


September 20th is picture day.  

Friday, August 23, 2024

 Week 1 was great!  The class is adjusting well to 4th grade.  Remind them of our class rules: Raise your hand to speak or get out of your chair, Be prepared for class, and Be kind.  Just 3 rules! :) 

The consequences of breaking the rules are: 

1. Card on desk is flipped to red. 

2.  They will clip their name down to strike one. 

3. They will clip down to strike two and have to walk 5-10 minutes at recess. 

4.  They will clip down to strike three and have to walk 10-15 minutes at recess. 

5. On the 5th offense you will be notified and student will walk at recess for 15 minutes.  We will make a plan to help them be more successful. 

6. The principals will be notified, and we may request a conference.  Further actions from the school handbook will be followed.  

Week of 8/26-8/30

Each week homework, quizzes, tests for the week will be posted here.  It is subject to change to meet the needs of the students.  Please always keep that in mind.  I will post an update when changes are necessary. 

Please join class dojo if you have not already.  It is a great quick way to communicate.  

Monday- Math Homework L. 5. p. 318.  Complete in the book.  Do not rip out. 
Copy Spelling list 2 twice, BUT only copy vocabulary once. 
Tuesday- Language P. 207 L. 7. Complete in the book.  Do not rip out. 
Math Quiz 1 today
Wednesday Math Test
Thursday-Copy missed spelling words 3 times.  
Spelling Trial test is today, and every Thursday going forward.  
Friday Spelling TEST 
             Language Q-1

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 19-23

There will be a photo booth set up on the first day of school!  Please come and take a few pictures before we get started! 

Join the class on classdojo if you have not already done so. It is a great communication tool that I will use often! Follow the link below.  

Please visit this blog at least once a week. All homework, tests, and quizzes are posted here for the next week on the Friday before the week begins.  

Please reach out to me any time! 

The following links will take you to the Quizlet study guides for the upcoming History and Science tests.  I strongly recommend using these ...