Friday, October 11, 2024

Book Report Information: 
Begin the new book this weekend.  The students should read a chapter each evening to complete about 5 chapters a week to stay on schedule.  We will do the book report together in class in a few weeks. They may need to complete their final draft at home, but that will not be for a few weeks.  

This Week's Test Information:
We will be taking our first Quarter Exams in History and Science this week.  These are a little longer than our usual tests because they cover more material.  The History material on the Exam is over chapters 1-6 and maps on pp 500, 501, 519, and 539. Science material covered on the Exam is over sections 2.6-Chapter 3.  On Monday there will be a History and Science Quiz on Monday to help them prepare.  Below are quizlet links that they need to study.  There are 2 for History, but just one for Science.  I will also be printing these out for them, but the website offers flashcards, practice tests, and games.  

Sciend Study Guide

History QUIZ Study Guide

History Test Study Guide

Homework- Language P. 49 A and B only.
                    Spelling- Copy list ONCE. There is a special list coming home, we will not be doing the list in
                                                                 the book this week. There is no vocabulary this week.
                    History- STUDY

Tuesday- Math-P. 328 L. 38.
                Language- P. 50 F and G Only
                Science- STUDY
Wednesday- Language and Science Tests

Thursday-NO SCHOOL. There is no Trial Spelling Test this week. There will be one test on Friday only.
Read in your Book Report Book.

Friday- Spelling Test

Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday Oct. 4th I hope everyone enjoyed Grandparent's Day! It seemed like a great morning! The kids did great having to sit for so long! :) This Week: Monday Homework: Write Spelling List 8 twice. Please do not leave off the vocabulary words. Do Language p. 215 L. 35 Tuesday Homework: There will be division and multiplication practice sent home tonight for practice for upcoming test. Be sure to check their papers that come home in class to see the Geometry they will be introtuced to. History-In the Geography book, complete page 17. Wednesday-Math Test and Language Qui. Be familiar with nouns, verb phrases, subject, and predicate. Thursday Homework: Write missed Spelling Words 3 times each and study. Science- Complete CCR 1 pages 120-121 Friday Homework: Study for Science Test and begin reading book report book that I send home. Keep up the great work everyone! I am super proud of the progress we are making this year!

Book Report Information:  Begin the new book this weekend.  The students should read a chapter each evening to complete about 5 chapters a w...