Nov. 4-8
A few important reminders:
*Every Friday I post the following week's test, quiz, and homework schedule. Please check the blog regularly.
*I am listing our classroom rules here and ask that you would remind your child that it is important that they follow them in class. Talking out and being unkind are becoming a bit of a problem.
1. Raise your hand to speak or get out of your chair.
2. Be Prepared for class. **Sharp pencils, paper, the appropriate book, and homework at their desk is considered "prepared".
3. Be Kind.
-Verbal Warning
-Clip down on the behavior chart-5 minutes of walking at recess for each additional rule broken.
**The clipping down will be skipped if the student is a repeat offender.
If a student is assigned more than 15 minutes of walking at recess, you will be notified. If we cannot fix the problem after that, we will contact administration and the handbook for further action needed.
Please help our classroom to continue to be a positive place of learning by reminding your child to follow these rules.
*Building study skills is a big part of 4th grade. Please check the blog for upcoming tests and quizzes and study with your child. As the year goes along, we will work on more independent study habits.
*Homework reinforces what is taught in the classroom. Please be sure they are always completing the assignments sent home.
This week:
Monday- HW Math P. 332 L. 50.
Copy Spelling List 11 twice. Please copy the vocab once.
Study Science sections 4.1-4.4 for a quiz tomorrow as we re-study chapter 4.
Tuesday- HW Finish Final copy of the book report.
Study History sections 8.4-8.8 for a quiz tomorrow.
Science Quiz today
Wednesday- History Quiz
Thursday HW Study for Science Test 4 RETAKE. tomorrow
Copy missed spelling words 3 times each. STUDY.
There will be a Math quiz over multiplication facts every Friday for the next few weeks.
Friday-HW TBA History Qui 8 today
Spelling Test Today
Math Quiz over multiplication to the 10 family
Science Test--This is a RETAKE of Test 4.