Loose leaf paper-At least 2 packages
3 subject notebooks-2 or 3 should get them through the year
Small lined notebook dedicated to homework assignments
3 sturdy folders
No. 2 pencils-Mechanical pencils are great!
2 glue sticks
1 ruler
Pencil Box/Pouch
Colored Pencils (They do not need crayons this year)
Disinfecting Wipes
1 bottle hand sanitizer
2 boxes of tissues
The students will not be permitted to keep binders or toys at their desks. If your child would like to use a binder or bring toys to school, they can be kept in their backpacks. Any items kept at their desks that become a distraction will be sent home. Desks will be kept neat and orderly; a minimal amount of items are needed in their work area. I will be giving each student a special "desk pet" for good behavior that will make our learning time even more fun. I am sure they will tell you all about it.
If you have any trouble getting these supplies, just shoot me a message! I have several supplies to get us started. 😀