Monday, September 16, 2024

The following links will take you to the Quizlet study guides for the upcoming History and Science tests.  I strongly recommend using these to study.  The students know exactly how to use quizlet.  Thanks!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Study Chapter 2, but here are some important facts for Monday's History Quiz:  
George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.  
Colonists who wanted to remain under English control were called Loyalists.  
The Stamp Act required payment on documents.  
Patrick Henry said, "Give me Liberty or give me death!"  
The most powerful voice of the Great Awakening was George Whitefield. 

Week of 9/16-9/20

Monday- History Quiz 

Copy Spelling List 5 twice.  
                Study for History Test 1
                Read in Science pp 64-66 and complete P. 66 in notebooks. 
Tuesday- Language Quiz

Math L. 20 P. 323
                Finish P. 21 in Language. 
                Study for Science quiz 1

Wednesday History Test       Science Quiz 1

Thursday- Trial Spelling 

                    Math P. 43
                    Language P. 24 A only 
                    Copy missed spelling words 3 times. 

Friday-  Spelling Test

            Math p. 44
            History P. 74 A only 
            Science-Study for test.  

Thursday, September 12, 2024

 The History quiz scheduled for tomorrow will be postponed until Monday. We will take the Spelling trial test tomorrow and the actual test on Monday.


Mrs. Trescott

Friday, September 6, 2024


Happy Friday! 

Remember weekend homework in Language, p. 208 L. 13.  The practice Science test will be on Tuesday, remember, it's not graded.  

This Week's Info.: 


Copy Spelling List 4 twice, vocabulary once.  

History- In the Geography Skills book, do page 9 FRONT SIDE ONLY

Science- Study chapter 1 through chapter 2 section 5.  


Math- Lesson 15 page 321

There will be a Language test today.  

Wednesday  Join us for chapel. 

Thursday- Don't forget, there is always a trial spelling test on Thursdays.  


Copy missed spelling words 3 times. STUDY for test. 

History- Do p. 53 A-C and study for Quiz 1. The History quiz is over Chapter 2 and p. 521.


Math- P. 322 L. 18

Language-P. 209 L. 17

There is a Spelling Test and a History Quiz today.  The History quiz is over Chapter 2 and p. 521. 

The following links will take you to the Quizlet study guides for the upcoming History and Science tests.  I strongly recommend using these ...