Monday, January 20, 2025

There is no school, Tuesday January 21.  Please complete the following assignments and bring them in the next day we are in school. 

1. Copy Spelling List 17. 

2. Write 5 sentences using your spelling words. ****I will be grading this for a Language grade. You must begin sentences with a capital letter and end with punctuation. 

3. Go back to the 5 sentences and underline your subjects once and your verbs twice. *****This will be part of the language grade, so take your time! 

4. Open the link and complete page 17 ONLY. Write your answers on paper.

5. Open the link and complete pages 3 and 5 ONLY. Write your answers on paper.

6. Open the link and read the story and answer the questions. You will see the story twice, they give color and black and white options in case we want to print. 

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