Friday, January 31, 2025



Our West Virginia History Notebook is a fun and exciting unit! The kiddos love being creative and learning about our wild, wonderful state! 

*The students need a 1 inch 3-ring binder with a slot on the front cover for their cover sheets, one pack of plastic binder page sleeves,  and a folder designated for ONLY WV HISTORY material. 

*Page numbers listed below that we complete are ODD ONLY, so do not be overwhelmed by the amount. Also, several require the class to glue pictures or just fill in a few blanks. Most of them will be done at school. 

*Each Friday there will be a quiz. 

*A checklist will be stapled into their folders so they can keep track of what they have completed. 

2/3-2/7- Collect pictures of scenery around West Virginia. Memorize state symbols and bordering states.

Complete pages 3-21. 

2/10-2/14 Collect pictures of historical people, landmarks, and early settlements. Create a timeline of history. 

Complete pages 33-49

2/17-21 This week we will study government, industry, and agriculture. 

Complete pages 61-71 (We skip pages 69 and 73)

2/24-2/28 Collect pictures of major cities, Educational leaders, and Educational Institutions. 

Complete pages 75-87. 

3/3-3/7 Pages 89-105 are "Additional Information". They need to pick 3 pages from this section. 

There are also 7 optional reports on pages 109-123. They need to pick 1 of those to complete. 

3/10-3/12 Completed projects are due NO LATER than Wednesday the 12th. This is the last day of the grading period. 

Each section has a title page worth 1 point. There are 8 of them for a total of 8 points. 

Each content page is worth 2 points. There are 36 of them for a total of 72 points. 

Neatness and order is worth 10 points. 

Accuracy of facts is worth 10 points. 

That gives us a total of 100 points. :)

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 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORY NOTEBOOK IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY. :)  The new 9 weeks starts Thursday!  Weekend Homework: Work on your WV notebook. Study...