Friday, February 28, 2025

History Notebook: WEEKEND WORK- Complete pages 49, 63, and 65. This is a map page and an informational page about industry. Collect pictures of West Virginia industry, agriculture, natural resources, our city, major cities in our state, and educational institutions. Email me pictures if you need them to be printed. 

This week, we will complet pages 67, and 75-83. We spend at least 45 minutes in class working on this. Anything not finished in school is homework. 

(Remember, we skip pages 69 and 73 and)

This is Dr. Seuss Week! Below is a picture of theme days for the week (There is a better picture on the school website). Dressing up is optional. We will be reading even more than usual every single day here at school, and we will have reading to do at home each evening. Aside from History notebook pages and studying, this will be the only homework next week. 

We will be on Spelling List 21, skipping the challenge words. I will add 10 words in the place of the challenge words. We will NOT be doing this week's vocabulary list.

 ~Trial Test Thursday/Teat Friday~

~Spring Pictures are March 11th. 

~We will have a book fair the week of March 17th. 

As we near the last nine-weeks, we are working on building independence and a love for learning. The students are figuring out subjects they like and dislike, as well as subjects they are good at and weak at. Help me to encourage them to do their very best and to honor God in all they do. Teaching them this above all will lead to lifelong rewards! 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Homework Thursday, February 27th

Math Page 188

History pages 43-59 Please be working on this. Some students are behind because they are choosing not to work in class. Please check your child's progress. I have given them all the resources they need. The only thing you need find is a picture of your child's historical landmark. I can even print it if you will email it to me.

If you are behind in Charlotte's Web, you may need to read. They should be on at least chapter 18.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tuesday Homework


Check your WV State notebooks. Check off what you have completed. We should have up to p. 37 complete or in progress. EMAIL ME ANYTHING YOU MAY LIKE PRINTED. I have printed military, settlers, and Native Americans for them to get glued in to their notebooks.  THEY MAY USE A FAMILY MEMBER FOR A MILITARY HERO IF THEY WOULD LIKE. He/She just needs to be a West Virginian. 

We will add written details later. 

Study for Science quiz tomorrow and test Thursday. Study guide for the test is being sent home today. 

There is no Spelling list this week

Friday, February 21, 2025

 Snow work for February 21

1. Math- Do pages 173 and 174. In chart 3 on page 173, you will see fractions, do not let this confuse you! Just find the multiples for the denominator. 

2. Reading-  Read chapter 13 in Charlotte's Web.  

3. Language- Do pages 101-102. (We may have started 101 already.)

4. Spelling- Put the first 10 spelling words in ABC order. Write a sentence using the next 10. 

5. History- Find out about West Virginia government. Who is our governor? List some representatives and senators. Who is the mayor of your city?  Can you list any other government officials in West Virginia? This will be used for the next section of the notebook. 

6. Science- Do pages 378 and 379 starting with 3A on 378 on paper. Every section is required. Please write a nice paragraph for page 379 section C. ALSO, page 380 is an extra credit page. Do it on notebook paper numbering 1-10. Notice there is a word bank on the bottom right corner of the page. We will go over this Monday before the quiz.

**We will take a Science quiz on Monday over sections 7.6-7.10. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

 Snow work for February 20

1. IXL- There is still a leaderboard going for number of skills proficient. I would like everyone to try to get at least 10 new skills over 80 specifically in math. YOU CAN DO IT!

2. Spelling- Use your spelling words to write a story. Try to use at least 10 words. 

Copy spelling vocabulary once. 

3. Reading- Keep reading in Charlotte's Web. We should finish chapter 12 today. 

4. Language- I would like you to check the quiz you did yesterday. Try to see if you were accurate. Then, I want you to write 3 sentences using dialogue. That means someone in the sentence is speaking. For example:  Mom said, "Feed the dogs before you play outside." OR "When is recess?" asked Mark. 

5. History- The WV notebook is difficult to do without the resources I have at school. Do not feel like you have to finish all the pages at home. I hope you are doing a little research and giving it a try though. I have more pictures and information at school ready for when we get back to the classroom! 

6. Science- There is no study guide for the quiz tomorrow. But study the 3 types of rocks and be able to give an example of each. Know how each one is formed as well. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Remember, Spelling list 20 is 1-10 and the vocabulary PLUS the following 10 words. 


A snow packet was sent home today. Please send it back if we have school tomorrow. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

February 17-21

What fun week we had here at NLCA! I hope you can all join us tomorrow for the Homecoming games and celebration!  

Homecoming ceremony will be at 1:45 and games start at 2:00. 

There is no school on Monday due to professional learning day for teachers. 

We will be on Spelling list 20 this week, however we will skip the challenge words and I will be replacing them with 10 other words. I will post those other words Monday. I would like to highlight some commonly misspelled words after I finish going through the young writers essays. 

*Trial test on Thursday and Test Friday. 

Tuesday and Thursday homework will be history notebook work that is not finished in class, spelling words, and Charlotte's Web homework. 

There will be a History quiz and Bible verse quiz on Friday and a Science test on Thursday. 

If you would like to schedule a conference with me, please give Annie a call on Tuesday. The official conference day is Tuesday, but I am happy to meet any time! And you can always shoot me a message! 

Spring Pictures are on Wednesday. 

See the school website for updated medication and vaccination policies. 

Thank you for all the Valentine's love! I appreciate all the thoughtful gifts! Your children have become so special to me! They are growing and learning so much this year! 

Saturday, February 8, 2025



HOMECOMING WEEK!! Bring your pennies and other coins to the classroom! :)  Practice the theme verse! And let's have a fun week! See the pictures below for details. Monday is "Dress up as your favorite holiday." 😆

We are on Spelling List 20 this week. There will be the normal trial test on Thursday and the test on Friday. 

Monday and Thursday there will be Spelling homework. 

I will post homework daily, but it will mostly consist of reading and finishing any WV notebook pages that may not have been completed in class. 

There is a Bible Verse quiz on Psalm 91:5 and Hebrews 11:16 and a WV history quiz on Friday. 

There will be a Science quiz on Thursday. 

WV Notebook: Complete any pages from 3-21 that are incomplete. Collect pictures of historical people, landmarks, and early settlements. Create a timeline of history. 

Complete pages 33-49 in WV Notebook. 


 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORY NOTEBOOK IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY. :)  The new 9 weeks starts Thursday!  Weekend Homework: Work on your WV notebook. Study...