Thursday, February 20, 2025

 Snow work for February 20

1. IXL- There is still a leaderboard going for number of skills proficient. I would like everyone to try to get at least 10 new skills over 80 specifically in math. YOU CAN DO IT!

2. Spelling- Use your spelling words to write a story. Try to use at least 10 words. 

Copy spelling vocabulary once. 

3. Reading- Keep reading in Charlotte's Web. We should finish chapter 12 today. 

4. Language- I would like you to check the quiz you did yesterday. Try to see if you were accurate. Then, I want you to write 3 sentences using dialogue. That means someone in the sentence is speaking. For example:  Mom said, "Feed the dogs before you play outside." OR "When is recess?" asked Mark. 

5. History- The WV notebook is difficult to do without the resources I have at school. Do not feel like you have to finish all the pages at home. I hope you are doing a little research and giving it a try though. I have more pictures and information at school ready for when we get back to the classroom! 

6. Science- There is no study guide for the quiz tomorrow. But study the 3 types of rocks and be able to give an example of each. Know how each one is formed as well. 

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 WEST VIRGINIA HISTORY NOTEBOOK IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY. :)  The new 9 weeks starts Thursday!  Weekend Homework: Work on your WV notebook. Study...