~~~~~~ Happy New Year! Welcome back! ~~~~~~
Here are a few things to remember as we continue our school year:
- Every student should have a King James Bible at school. We have a memory verse quiz every Friday, beginning January 10th.
- We are constantly short on pencils, so please send some in soon. We will be learning/practicing cursive penmanship and sharp pencils are important.
- Over the next two weeks, we will be doing a habitat diorama with partners. Each group will need to coordinate gathering supplies. Every group needs a shoebox, but other supplies will depend on which habitat they choose to create. We will decide on Monday or Tuesday.
- Every class has tests and quizzes regularly. Please ask your child what they should be studying. They should have a good idea of what is coming up if they are listening in class and staying up on assignments.
- Please check the blog often and encourage your child to study and read a little every day to keep up.
This week's schedule:
We will begin a new book report book. It will be a biography, and I will provide the book by Wednesday. They should read a chapter each evening to complete about 5 chapters a week.
Monday- Copy the Spelling List twice. I will share this week's list in a separate blog and print it for the students. It is not in the book this week.
Finish History classwork if needed.
Tuesday- Math P. 340 L. 73.
Read in Book Report Book and in In His Hands if not complete in class.
Wednesday- There will be a Math quiz today over all multiplication facts and a Language quiz over contractions, verbs, and diagramming.
Thursday- Math-Review sections from classwork that were troublesome.
Spelling- Copy missed words from today's trial test
Science quiz 10 today. THERE WILL NOT BE A STUDY GUIDE, I will give page numbers once we are back at school.
Friday- Have all diorama supplies by Monday. There will be a Math worksheet and reading assigned for the weekend.
This 9-Weeks/1st Semester ends on January 13th. Please be sure to have assignments completed including make-up work.